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Function meets form. Serving homes and businesses in the Washington DC metropolitan area for more than 10 years, we keep you safe while adding to the overall aesthetic.

Swing Gates

By far the most common type of automated gate, a swing gate is a traditional-style gate that opens to one side. The ease of opening and cost effectiveness make this a popular choice for homeowners throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The swing gate is ideal for properties with plenty of room to accommodate the far-reaching swinging motion. In more limited spaces, combining two smaller swinging gates to create a French-door type opening is a great alternative.

Best used on flat driveways, swing gates are often impractical for properties with an incline of more than 6 to 8 inches in the direction the gate swings. The incline prevents the gate from opening properly, and can also impede the security of your property. Call today and arrange an appointment for a free consultation and installation quote and our team of property security specialists can quickly determine if a swing gate is right for your home or business.